Getting dentures is undeniably the most common motivating force for many patients for travelling abroad so as to undergo a dental treatment there. The reason is quite simple: whether it's a crown, a bridge, a denture or an implant – tooth replacement is not cheap fun, so it is worth comparing quotes for treatments across borders.
Tooth replacements – crowns, bridges, implants and denturesLast update: 12. May 2020
Hungarian dental care can be convincing in both of the following respects:
- Price: Compared to foreign prices, dental implants, crowns and bridges can be 50-70 % cheaper in Hungary than in other countries.
- Quality: You can expect Western-European quality in Hungary. Dentists with thorough, high professional skills and proven practical experience use quality dental materials and work with recognized reputable products.
Types of tooth replacement
A dentures means the replacement of missing teeth by different methods - depending on the individual circumstances, they can be fixed replacements such as crowns and bridges, as well as removable and combined solutions. The latter can consist of a fixed and a removable part such as a telescopic denture.
Fixed dentures
In the past decades, the dental crown has been used widely due to it being a well-proven and long-term solution in addition be being good value for money. When a dentist talks about a bridge, he means several crowns that are fastened to each other so that they are able to ’bridge’ the missing teeth. Dental crowns and bridges fall into the affordable category in Hungary and are considered a long-term solution.
Their shapes and colours can be customized. In terms of material, the patient can choose from a variety of different types - the crown can be made of metal ceramic, gold ceramic, full ceramic or zirconia. Most often, crowns and bridges are made of metal ceramic and zirconia because these dentures are durable, aesthetic and affordable.
Dental implants replace the lost part under the gum. Then this implant will get a crown which replaces the missing part above the gum.
The implants themselves consist of 2 parts: a titanium composite post and a titanium core. Nowadays zirconia implants are used in some cases.
Crowns and bridges can then be fixed to the implants. In Hungary the price difference between the ceramic and zirconia crowns is not significant.
Dental implants are able to create strong bonds with bone tissue due to their biocompatible tissue-friendly material. The implant ossified into the bone is then perfectly suited for crown or bridge replacements. This proven method of treatment has been a long-term solution for millions of patients to replace their teeth for the past decades. Our clinic works with products from manufacturers that are reputable worldwide, as we aim to make the implant truly a lifelong denture.
Our dental surgeons, Dr. Károly Somlai and Dr. Károly Sterba have extensive experience in implantation and are confident in more complicated procedures as well. The top quality tools of our clinic provide a quality guarantee and a high level of professionalism for each dental treatment.
Removable dentures
Removable dentures have several types, and as the name suggests, it is a denture which the patients can remove from their own mouth, without the help of a dentist.
Depending on the size of the toothless area, a complete and partial denture can be made. The biggest advantage is, however, that removable dentures provide a solution for everyone, even if they no longer have adequate bone tissue for dental implants. There are no contraindications for removable dentures.
Cost-effective, easy to clean and thanks to its metal frame, they are reliable and hard to break.
Thanks to the latest technology, removable dentures can be combined with implants which is a removable but stable solution for anyone who can not get used to the discomfort of removable dentures. A removable denture can be perfectly fixed up with only 2 to 4 dental implants.
Combined dentures
Fixed and removable dentures allow a combined solution only if the patient still has several of their own teeth. These teeth are necessary so that removable dentures can be fixed to them. Combined solutions meet all aesthetic expectations.
Combined dentures, therefore, should be imagined as a removable replacement on a fixed unit. This means in pratice that, for example, a partial denture may be supplemented by a bridge capable of securing the removable denture. As a fastening element, a so-called slider is most commonly used instead of the former visible clip-on solution.
I came to Hévíz completely toothless and with a removable denture. It was terribly annoying that my denture was constantly moving and I was unable to eat or smile properly.
At Gelencsér Dental Clinic I got the solution that I wanted: a precise, efficient work, which resulted in a really nice and stable dental prosthesis. It's incredibly good to have a stable denture and I can enjoy my life again. Finally, the insecurity that made my everyday life miserable has completely disappeared.
– E. Burkhardt
At Gelencsér Dental Clinic I got the solution that I wanted: a precise, efficient work, which resulted in a really nice and stable dental prosthesis. It's incredibly good to have a stable denture and I can enjoy my life again. Finally, the insecurity that made my everyday life miserable has completely disappeared.
– E. Burkhardt
Each price quotation at Gelencsér Dental Clinic is based on the patient's individual treatment plan.
We provide the reliable background which is secured by the most modern dental instruments and equipment of Western-European standards, and qualified and experienced dentists, helpful staff and a first class dental laboratory.
How much do dentures cost?
Take this opportunity to compare your dentist's price quotation with our prices, or contact us for a free, non-binding offer.
We offer an affordable, yet quality solution to all kinds of dentures:
- metal ceramic crowns and bridge units from € 200
- zirconia crowns from € 300
- telescopic crowns are prepared from € 270
For dental implants prices depend on the manufacturer:
- SGS implants from € 500
- Camlog implant systems from € 850
- the market leader Straumann and Nobel Biocare products are available from € 1.000
Supplemental dental insurance
Health insurance funds and other insurance companies offer a so-called supplemental dental insurance.
To what extent these services can be covered depends on the terms of the respective insurance contract: higher insurance premiums cover a more comprehensive service spectrum.
It may be worthwhile to look into this topic and perhaps consider different comparative analyses and rankings.
Which is the right tooth replacement?
To decide which is the ideal solution for someone always depends on the individual situation and circumstances. The examination of the oral cavity is therefore complemented by the most advanced imaging technology: panoramic X-ray or 3D CT.
Fixed dentures
During our two most important daily activities, i.e. eating and talking, the fixed denture is the solution that provides the most natural feeling.
This solution is crucial in many cases in certain occupations (for singers, actors, etc.).
The crown, however, can only be considered if the damaged, decayed tooth can still provide a sufficient basis for replacing the natural crown. A dental bridge can serve to span over smaller areas if each tooth on each side is capable of holding the crown on the dental bridge unit.
The dental implant is fixed into the jaw bone, at the site of the original tooth, and can not only get a single crown but can serve as a bridge pillar as well.
Removable dentures
Traditional removable dentures are prepared in case of complete lack of teeth.
If the patient still has their own teeth, but the lack of teeth is so big that it can not be bridged with a fixed replacement (the existing teeth are not stable enough or their position is inadequate), a partial removable denture is made.
In case of more lost teeth, the partial detachable denture can easily be adapted to the altered teeth later. In many cases, its favourable price will also support the decision on this solution.
Combined dentures
Combined dentures consist of fixed (e.g. an own tooth with a primary dental crown) and removable (partial denture) elements. Such structures are, for example, telescopic crowns, sliders or clasp solutions.
What kind of materials are dentures made of?
Materials which are placed in our mouths as dentures must meet strict requirements. It is a fundamental requirement that the dental work is made of durable, non-corrosive material to be able to withstand the forces during chewing.
Only biocompatible materials can come into direct contact with live tissues (jaw bone, teeth, gum).
And last but not least, the materials used must pass strict aesthetic tests to provide optically satisfactory results. In today's world, it is almost a basic requirement that the dental work looks as natural as possible.
There are three major groups of materials:
- metals – especially titanium (implants), and gold alloys (metal crowns)
- glass ceramic – zirconium-, or zirconoxide (non-metal crowns)
- plastic – (fitting surface of dentures, crowns)
The dentures often consist of a combination of several materials: the covered crowns consist of, for example, a metal frame and a tooth-coloured layered ceramic cover. The finished ceramic-coated crown perfectly fits into the natural set of teeth.
The partial denture has an artificial palate with metal fastening elements and plastic or ceramic crowns.
The materials of dental implants are generally titanium, although nowadays metal-free ceramic implants are also present on the market.
Is it a painful procedure?
To see what treatment phases are necessary to prepare a denture always depends on the solution chosen:
- The placement of dental implants is the most complicated since the post which replaces the lost natural tooth is surgically inserted directly into the jaw bone. (Due to local and conduction anesthesia this routine treatment is almost painless.)
- To create dental bridges and crowns, the permanent teeth are ground before the dental crowns, which are prepared in the laboratory, get fixed on them.
- When completing a full or partial denture, a bite adjustment is done.
Modern medicine always places emphasis on making the given procedure as gentle as possible.
In order to save the patient from any unnecessary pain during and after the procedure, local anesthesia is always used. The only discomfort may happen when the patient receives the injection.
The patient can request the placement of the implant in sedation, which is not as hard on the body as anesthesia, and the patient practically sleeps through the whole procedure.
After awakening, some pain of the wound can be expected which can be treated with a cooler bag or taking painkillers.
There might occasionally be some discomfort, or other complications may arise after handing over the denture. In such cases, it is imperative to consult our dentist to determine the cause and to take the appropriate steps of treatment.
Can tooth replacement be risky?
To create and insert dentures, dental and/or oral surgery is required, and similar to any other medical procedure, risk factors can not be excluded completely.
However, at Gelencsér Dental Clinic, we lay great importance on the interests of our patients and we do our best to minimize these risk factors:
- Our dentists and dental technicians are highly qualified professionals with long-term professional experience in tooth replacement procedures.
- In our treatment/surgery and dental rooms we work with state-of-the-art technology and quality materials using products of renowned manufacturers.
- Each treatment is preceded by accurate diagnostics and detailed counselling. During diagnostics we rely on the most advanced imaging technology, then clarify the possible risk factors during our discussion following it. Your dentist will in each case explain the course of your treatment.
Tooth replacement and a quality of life
Every patient would obviously like their lost teeth to be replaced with a durable, stable and reliable denture which lasts for 10 to 20 years.
We all want a solution which will not let us down in everyday life and will cause no problems - neither while laughing, nor while eating or talking.
Gelencsér Dental Clinic has a personalized treatment plan for you. The work of our experienced colleagues is supported by our state-of-the-art equipment.
Be it a dental crown, a bridge, a denture or a dental implant - our own dental laboratory guarantees that the best quality of dental work will be done for you.
Tooth replacements
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Last update: 12. May 2020