Sedation in dentistry
Pain-free dentistryLast update: 12. July 2011
Pain-free dentistry with conscious sedation
Would you like to relax throughout your dental treatment? Before treatment, we can administer a sedative painkiller followed by intravenous sedation that allows you to be in a deeply relaxed, dream-like state. Recovery following the procedure is swift and problem-free. During conscious sedation all reflexes are present, you will breathe unaided and therefore a breathing tube is not needed.
Whilst you are conscious and can communicate with the dentist, most patients experience full or partial memory loss of the surgery. During treatment your heart, circulatory system and oxygen supply will be closely monitored using electrocardiogram to eliminate the risk of complications. Patients can be transferred to general anaesthesia at any time.
General anesthesia
To avoid anxiety and stress often associated with dental procedures, some patients may prefer to receive treatment under general anesthesia.
At our clinic we offer the choice of general anaesthesia to patients with satisfactory medical examination and test results, to minimise possible complications. (The medical examination and relevant tests can also be carried out by your GP.)
Frequently asked questions about general anaesthesia
1. Why is it forbidden to eat or drink before the operation?
Whilst under general anaesthesia, we are unconscious and cannot feel pain. At the same time our reflexes such as swallowing and coughing are also absent. This poses a risk as contents of the stomach can transfer to the lungs via the throat. The more we consume and the closer to the operation, the higher the chance of complications arising. For this reason, you must not eat for six hours or drink for four hours before your operation.
2. How quick does general anaesthesia take effect?
Modern medicine allows patients to adopt a sleep-like state quickly and easily. Either through a drug injected intravenously or via anaesthetic gases breathed through a mask, you will fall asleep within a minute.
3. Will I wake up during the operation?
During the operation, our anaesthetists closely monitor all vital organs and the level of sedation. These can be controlled efficiently and accurately with the latest tools and drugs, eliminating the risk of waking.
4. Will I be in pain after the operation?
Any pain that may be felt after surgery cannot be eliminated however we can reduce it to an optimal minimum. Depending on the nature of your operation, you may be prescribed painkillers after surgery. In order to keep you in a comfortable state, we administer a sufficient amount of painkillers before and during the operation. After surgery, we can alter pain control to suit your individual needs. Your anaesthetist will advise you on suitable alternatives prior to surgery.
5. Is it possible that I won’t wake up after general anaesthesia?
The development of new drugs and better monitoring during operation ensure that general anaesthesia is safer today than ever before. However, complications can occur in a small number of cases. Previous and existing medical conditions as well as the nature of the procedure may increase the risk of complications. For healthy patients, the risk of complications is extremely small.
6. Will I feel sick during the operation?
Previously, it was common to feel sick during or after surgery. With the latest drugs it is now possible to reduce unwanted side effects and combat nausea and vomiting. We cannot however completely eradicate the risk of feeling sick when the patient awakes. The occurrence of this is influenced by the patient’s general health and the nature of the operation. If we are aware that the patient is prone to nausea and vomiting, we can take preventative action.
7. When can I eat and drink again?
Eating or drinking soon after the operation may lead to sickness and nausea. In your best interest, we recommend that you do not eat for six hours or drink for three hours after surgery.
8. When will I wake up?
With modern drugs, sedation can be effectively managed. This means that a few minutes after completing the treatment you will begin to wake up and recover quite quickly. From a medical perspective you will be able to sufficiently breathe, your reflexes will return and we will be able to communicate with you. It may take one or more hours for you to become completely alert and regain concentration for activities such as reading and watching television. Full recovery is also influenced by the type and amount of painkillers administered after surgery.
Frequently asked questions about conscious sedation
1. Will sedation last for the duration of the treatment?
Yes, under normal circumstances sedation will last for the duration of the procedure. In the case of a longer operation we can place an intravenous cannula through which we can top up your dosage.
2. Will I feel pain if the operation lasts longer than originally planned for and the painkiller wears off?
No, you will not feel pain. If the painkiller starts to wear off we can top up your dosage intravenously.
3. Will I be conscious during the operation?
According to individual preference, we can carry out the treatment while the patient is conscious, completely pain-free. For those patients who prefer to drift off to a dream-like state during the operation, we can administer a sedative intravenously.
4. How quickly does conscious sedation take effect?
Conscious sedation normally takes effect within a few minutes, occasionally it can take a little longer.
5. Does conscious sedation have any long-term side effects?
All drugs administered during conscious sedation were developed not to cause any nerve damage. Long-term side effects are extremely rare.
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Last update: 12. July 2011