Oral surgery at Gelencsér Dental Clinic
Oral SurgeryLast update: 12. July 2011
- SGS Dental Implants, Camlog, Straumann, Nobel Biocare, Oraltronics Pitt-Easy, MDI Mini Dental Implants, Astra Tech
- Bone augmentation – reconstruction of the jawbone as a stand-alone procedure or combined with implant placement
- Sinus lift – lifting of the sinus membrane and bone grafting as a separate procedure prior to implant placement or combined with implant placement
- Bone grafting - rebuilding bone loss using bone harvested from the patient or from alternative sources
- Gentle removal of teeth and broken root remains
- Surgical removal of impacted and wisdom teeth
- Surgical exposure of impacted teeth prior to orthodontic treatment
- Tooth preservation treatments – surgical tooth preservation, root end surgery
- Removal of small oral tumours
- Removal of oral cysts and treatment of jawbone diseases
- Treatment of injuries and inflammation in the oral cavity
- Removal of foreign body from the sinus
- Soft tissue surgery.
Dr. Rónai András Oral Surgeon
Oral surgery is generally carried out under local anaesthetic at our clinic. If specifically requested by our patients and for more complicated operations, we are able to offer conscious sedation or general anaesthesia, administered by our expert anaesthetists.
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Last update: 12. July 2011